Renata Abreu (Podemos) e Bruna Furlan (PSDB) são reeleitas deputadas federais. Veja a votação dos candidatos da região

A região continua com duas representantes no Congresso Nacional. Tanto Renata Abreu como Bruna Furlan passaram dos 100 mil votos e foram reeleitas. A representante de Osasco obteve 160.874 votos.Já a filha de Rubens Furlan, Bruna obteve 121.402 votos. Candidatos da região Podemos Renata Abreu 160.874 votos PSDB Bruna Furlan 121.042 votos De Paula 15.182 votos […]

Homem é preso após furtar shampoo de Supermercado no Jardim das Flores

A Polícia Militar, por meio do 14º Batalhão, realizou na sexta, 1, pela Rua João Antonio Prado, nº 109  no Jardim das Flores em Osasco, a prisão de um indivíduo por furto a estabelecimento comercial. A ocorrência foi informada ao COPOM (Centro de Operações da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo) de furto em […]

Marriott Plays With Sensory-Rich Virtual Reality Getaways

The model is talking about booking her latest gig, modeling WordPress underwear in the brand latest Perfectly Fit campaign, which was shot by Lachian Bailey. It was such a surreal moment cried she admitted. The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. It’s […]

Gadget Ogling: Amazon on Fire, Virtual Reality, True Nature and Energy Relief

The model is talking about booking her latest gig, modeling WordPress underwear in the brand latest Perfectly Fit campaign, which was shot by Lachian Bailey. It was such a surreal moment cried she admitted. The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. It’s […]

My work only allows Internet Explorer, so I have to manually

The model is talking about booking her latest gig, modeling WordPress underwear in the brand latest Perfectly Fit campaign, which was shot by Lachian Bailey. It was such a surreal moment cried she admitted. The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. It’s […]